12 Best Baby Products for 2022
When your baby arrives, you’ll need to purchase quite a few baby products to keep your newborn happy and healthy.
If you’re expecting in 2022, you might wonder which products are the best of the best in terms of reliability, convenience, durability, and more.
Here are 12 of the best baby products on the market today that are sure to be useful when you welcome your new little one into the world next year!
1. Video Baby Monitor
The peace of mind that you get knowing that your baby is safe and secure is truly unmatched. A video baby monitor is an easy way to calm your anxieties and let you keep an eye on your baby without having to sneak into their room.
Our favorite video baby monitor is the Owlet Cam. It has night vision and two-way audio, and it operates off of WiFi. This means that you can access this camera anywhere and everywhere.
2. Knotted Baby Gowns
Knotted baby gowns are a significant win for both parents and babies. They’re ultra-comfortable, and your little one will be happy in them all day and night. On top of that, they easily tie and untie at the bottom, making them a lifesaver for diaper changes.
Our knotted baby gowns come in various colors, so it’s easy to find something that fits your style.
3. Minimalist Diaper Bag
The days of big, bulky, and gaudy diaper bags are behind us. It’s easier than ever to find a simple, tasteful diaper bag, and our top pick is the Freshly Picked classic diaper bag. It’s spacious, has tons of pockets, and has a modern, minimalistic look that’s not screaming “diaper bag.” You could even buy it to serve as a purse or work bag.
4. Cute Cloth Diapers
If you use cloth diapers, having plenty of quality, durable diapers is a must. Charlie Banana has tons of adorable prints available, and they’re all easily adjustable, so they can transition as your baby grows.
5. Dr. Brown Bottles
Voted the best overall bottle over and over again, Dr. Brown Bottles checked off the boxes for just about every baby. Designed to prevent gas, colic, and spit-up, this is the only bottle you’ll ever need. These are available in a variety of sizes and colors, so it’s easy to find a bottle to meet your needs.
6. Hands-Free Breastpump
The first time I ever thought to myself, “I wish I just had three arms,” was when I started pumping. It was so frustrating having to sit, tethered to one place, essentially doing nothing while I held the machine in place so it could empty my breasts. Oh, and I had to feel that frustration every three hours. It was so fun.
I wish I had known about the Elvie hands-free breast pump. Discreet, quiet, and efficient, you can do all of the things at once. Pump, hold your baby, meet that deadline for work, make dinner, pick up your older children from school. Do all of the things without being tethered.
7. Stretchy Swaddle Blankets

Babies love being wrapped up tight before going to sleep, and the excellent swaddle blankets are going to make a massive difference in their comfort level. Our snuggle swaddles are made with a unique rayon/spandex blend, so they’re incredibly stretchy. Your baby will be comfortable, and it will be so easy to get them swaddled nice and tight.
8. Gentle Wash and Lotion
There’s nothing quite like that fresh baby smell after you’ve bathed them, and a lot of that delicious smell has to do with the baby wash you’re using. Tubby Todd is the gold standard of baby care items, and their body wash and lotion are unmatched. With incredible scents and products, all made with ingredients you can trust; this is an easy decision to make for your baby.
9. The Banana Baby Toothbrush
You know the one I’m talking about. This banana baby toothbrush has everything you’ll need for a baby's first toothbrush. It’s designed, so it’s easy for little hands to grasp. The “fruit” inside has bristles to calm their gums, and the “peels” make it safe and choke-proof. It’s a must.
10. Convertible Baby Carrier
Keep the baby close with a quality convertible baby carrier. There are tons of options out there, but our go-to is the Ergobaby Omni 360. With multiple position options, it’s easier than ever to wear your baby comfortably and functionally. On top of that, it’s the only carrier you’ll need for your little one. It can be used for newborns as small as seven pounds to their last toddler days.
11. The NoseFrida
Do you know those baby bulb syringes that we used to get the snot out of those tiny noses?
I do. And I’m here to say that we don’t need to put up with it anymore.
Enter the NoseFrida. It’s so much more comfortable for your baby, you get the job done faster, and it’s infinitely easier to clean. The bulbs are prone to have bacteria buildup and germs, two things you don’t want near your baby’s nose. This is the ultimate baby snot solution.
12. Baby Food Maker
If you want to make your baby food at home, you need this baby food maker. The Baby Breza won't steam, blend, or do both simultaneously, perfectly pureeing fruits and veggies for your baby. If you’re looking for peace of mind in knowing exactly what your baby is eating, this is the tool you need to simplify the process.
That’s our list of what we believe are 12 of some of the best baby products that you’ll need in their first year. Just remember that there is no one size fits all parenting solution. What works for one baby might not work well for another—and that’s OK! As parents, our job is to listen to our babies and meet their needs as best as we can using the resources available to us.